The story of a Mermaid Princess named Ariel, who dreams of becoming human and falls in love with a human prince named Eric, which leads her to make a magic deal with an evil sea witch to become human and be with him. Little Mermaid's Iconic Song Part of Your World Mechancal Music Chest is already up for grabs. The luxury of hearing this song in the comfort of your home can be made possible if you add this to your cart. Surprise fans with this wonderful gift.
This product is made from the finest quality birchwood that allows it to be play sound all year round. Surprise your friends with this Music Box that plays Ariel's Song Part of Your World, a song full of wishful thinking to become part of the human world.
Be a Mermaid Princess and treat yourself with this iconic sound at Music Chests.
Full Lifetime Warranty
(If you're not 100% satisfied, we will send you your money back.)